
If this project has been one thing or another until today, it is thanks to a number of people who have been in contact with us, have supported the idea and have participated in the cultivation and in the making of a yogurt culture. We wish to thank.

Michael Buishas, Giulia Palomba, Ariadna Rodríguez, Iñaki Álvarez, Núria Ollé, Alfred Pérez de Tudela, Francina Guach, L’Hort dels 4 Cantons, La Segalla, Αγνούλα, Mònica Moragas, Fernando Gandasegui, Lluc Mayol, La figuera, Ideadestroingmuros, Tatiana Melo, Montserrat Berengueras, Alejandro Prada, Teresa Satta, Βανέσσα Κοσκινίδου, Λούσi, Resistències Artìstiques, Consorcio de Museos gva, Cefire, Violeta Cano, Inma, CRA Peña Escabia, Cadascú, Δήμητρα Κρητικού, Η Στάνη, Θανάσης Καραγεώργοs, Jesús Beneito, Ángel Valeriano, Quesería Artesana Los Corrales, Vicente Arlandis, Teresa Mata, Pilar Blanco, Guimbo Santos, Granxa Casa da Fonte, Xosé García Freire, Os Lactourus, Alicia Pla, Lola Pastor, Educació Ayuntamiento de Valencia, Ies Jose Gozalvo Ballester, Departamento de Escultura upv, Ximo Ortega, Raúl León,  Fermenteria de l’Horta, Al Paladar,